Submitted by shakil on Wed, 07/14/2021 - 11:22
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To mark this year’s International Women’s Day, Khushhali Microfinance Bank, arranged a free of cost training event in collaboration with National Agriculture Research Council (NARC) based on the vision to empower women by teaching them skills that can help them become a means to earn for their livelihood and support their male counterparts.

Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited (KMBL) strives to find new market avenues to help empower their women by teaching them the right skills. Organic food is one such market, where trained women who know how to prepare organic food can fill in the space quite efficiently and use their expertise to become financially independent.

The three-day training comprised of cooking and preparation of various household items like fruit jam, ketchup, cheese and fresh fruit squash. A large number of women who had interest in cooking and entrepreneurial activities, participated in the event. Trainings were given by the experienced staff of NARC covering the theoretical and practical aspects of the skill. Laboratory sessions were held during which participants shared and discussed issues faced by them in their daily kitchen time.