Submitted by shakil on Wed, 07/14/2021 - 10:33
support to students

Khushhali Microfinance Bank in association with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) extended the outreach of its scholarship program by awarding 42 more scholarships to the students of University of Peshawar, City University, Peshawar and Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, in a ceremony held in Islamabad on June 29, 2009. This has increased the total number of scholarships awarded to students to attend prestigious universities across the country under the KBL – USAID Scholarship program to 332. 

KMBL – USAID Scholarship Program was launched in 2005 to enable students to acquire quality education in highly reputed universities in Pakistan, like IBA (Karachi and Sukkur), LUMS (Lahore), SZABIST (Karachi) and IMS Hayatabad (Peshawar), BUITEMS (Quetta) and University of Peshawar. University of Peshawar has over the years been awarded 74 scholarships and with the additional 14 scholarships being awarded the total number of their students availing scholarships under USAID - Khushhali's Scholarship Program will go up to 88. Meanwhile the City University with 67 previously given scholarships and an additional 3 has been awarded a total of 70 scholarships. The total scholarships awarded to Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar have increased to 84, with 25 newly given scholarships and 59 previously awarded scholarships.

Mr. Ghalib Nishtar, President, Khushhali Microfinance Bank and Mr. Bob Wilson, Mission Director, USAID, Pakistan presented the awards for the successful students to the representatives of respective universities during the ceremony.