Coming from a very humble background, Hina wanted to be more than just a daughter. She wanted to be another wheel to support the vehicle of life. A trained beautician, two obstacles stood as intangible giants between her and her dream. First, she didn’t have enough funds to own or rent a place for her salon. Next, she lacked any capital to invest in quality brands as all good ranges of cosmetics demanded quite some fortune. Looking at her undeterred resolution, her family offered her a room in the house to work in but that was the extent of their support.
They say when there is a will, there is a way; and Hina’s fate had her come across Khushhalibank loan Scheme. Believing it to be her moment, she opted for the loan and upon approval, she brought home the finest quality cosmetic supplies and soon she shattered the glass ceiling.
A successful micro entrepreneur now, Hina’s beauty salon is a budding business where loyal customers come to meet with their aesthetic needs. Her biggest marketers are her strong skill set and her unshakable commitment. She stays abreast of the latest trends and styles to deliver her clients with the finest quality of work. But she still remembers her days of struggle. “I plan to introduce formal training classes for other women who show interest in this field so they can stand up for themselves and earn a decent livelihood” says Hina.
She believes that her unconditional commitment to work, provision of better service to her customers, and timely financial assistance from Khushhalibank have played a major role in her success. “I want to open a new branch of the beauty salon at a prime location like Gulberg or M.M. Alam Road with all modern equipment and skin friendly range of cosmetics” shares Hina.
Today, Hina Mohsin enjoys a respectable position in her community & people admire her greatly for her hard work and fortitude. She has become a source of inspiration for many people to work their way out of poverty. She has motivated many others to empower through microfinance, and contributes greatly by creating employment opportunities for the community